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The Hotelier

 The Hotelier Written by Ikenna Ozulumba Mbaegbu For Family Writers Press International Date: 18.10.2020 -----------------------------------...

 The Hotelier

Written by Ikenna Ozulumba Mbaegbu

For Family Writers Press International

Date: 18.10.2020


Be wary of his many lies

Oh mortal men!

Me shall get you 'UN!' 

Rejoice, freedom alas!

Me shall 'trump' into the White House 

And dine with Donald,

When am done speaking with Mr EU,

So he tells you,

Empty words of the clueless hotelier.

Like the proverbial tortie

Always on the lookout for goodies

Promises upon promises non fulfilled

But getting his purse filled

To build Mansions his only priority, 

The glutinous hotelier.

His Fake tears, 

And his polished words

All to fool you

But his words are never his bonds!

Behold as he makes his pretty lies

The gullibles his only allies,

The old evil hotelier!

When easy is the going

Out jumps he from his hiding,

His voice echoes loud in the hood

While preying for food,

And the next victim to dupe.

But when roughy 'n toughy the going

The deceiver cowardly disappears

Leaving behind many in tears.

Like the kites of the skies

Would speedily swoop 

Down on their preys

So is the crook

When sees he public funds,

His criminal head spines 

Like the old farmer's wheels

As he crawls out from his hiding hole

To make his usual grabs - the Hotelier.

For I pity the gullibles

Who believe still in his fairy tales

Just as I rejoice with the wise 

Who for long have known

Through his own tone 

That the Owerri hotelier,

Had for long abandoned

The divine quest for freedom

For his own personal gains.


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