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Why I Launched Eastern Security Network (ESN)--Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

Why I Launched  Eastern Security Network (ESN)--Mazi Nnamdi Kanu  The indefatigable and highly intelligent leader of the Indigenous People o...

Why I Launched  Eastern Security Network (ESN)--Mazi Nnamdi Kanu 

The indefatigable and highly intelligent leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, on Saturday 12th December 2020, announced the launch of a potent Security Network for the Eastern region of Nigeria (Biafraland).  This was made known to the world during his live radio broadcast via Radio Biafra. He stated that this Security Outfit will oversee the security concerns across the entirety of Biafraland. 

This declaration was equally relayed live on his Facebook page with over three hundred and sixty five thousand (365,000) followers, amongst other  media platforms with commanding global listenership. The IPOB leader further revealed that the personnel of the security outfit, would also concern themselves with safeguarding the forests, bushes and farmlands across the entire Eastern region which comprises of both the South-East and South-South States. 

This is to ensure that the murderous activities of the Islamic vagabonds, Bandits and rampaging terrorists allowed uninhibited access into our land from Niger, Chad, Libya, Mali, etcetera, are henceforth, matched and cleared.

Elaborating further, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu stressed the importance of the launched security network by pointedly faulting the docile stance of the state governors in the South-East and South-South regions. They have very woefully failed to live up to their constitutional obligation through the provision of  security for lives and properties. 

He drew comparison between the Eastern Security Network and that of both the Western and Northern regions otherwise known as "Amotekun" and "Hisbah"/"Miyetti Allah". Mazi Nnamdi Kanu said that since both the South-East and South-South Governors have become weaklings and so frightened to pull themselves together and secure their land, it has become exceptionally expedient that IPOB do what it possibly could, for the land of Biafra.

He expounded on the development, stating unambiguously, that the personnel of the Eastern Security Network are only "Watchguards" and not Biafra Army. This security outfit was conceptualized and birthed into reality by IPOB because they want their land wholesomely defended, and not for waging any form of war of secession as some people may insinuate. Biafra will eventually come with monumental support of the Biafran people through a well coordinated/monitored referendum in due time. But before then, the entirety of Biafraland must have to be defended which forms part of the responsibility of the now established Eastern Security Network.

The IPOB leader maintained that quite unlike Amotekun, the political process of forming the Eastern Security Network never went through the State Houses of Assembly because the governors are grossly compromised, frightened and subservient to the Sokoto caliphate from where they obtain instructions. They lack the courage and tenacity of the South-West governors who defied all laws to firstly prioritize the defence of their land and people. 

He clearly warned that dire consequences await any State Governor that may scheme sabotage against the established Security Network. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu  also cautioned against ceding any part of Biafraland to the Fulanis under whatever guise. He maintained that he is not against rearing of cattle but that such an enterprise should be done through the most civilized manner like what obtains elsewhere in the world. 

The Fulanis should rent their own houses and shops to live and carry out their businesses in the towns like others who reside in their land within Nigeria, without  constituting nuisance and security threats to their hosts. They invade our communites, rape our women in our farms and kill them eventually without any recourse.

The Eastern Security Network will dutifully handle  all security problems in Biafraland, forestal kidnapping/ destruction of our properties and safeguard the lives of our citizens. We are not in any way declaring secession as some people's fears have been but are only exercising our inalienable civil responsibility of self-defense, Kanu re-emphasized. He conclusively enjoined all Biafrans to fully give their support to this carefully assembled Security Outfit to enable the personnel satisfactorily carry out their functions.

Family Writers Press International.


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