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2023 Elections: Nigerian police Targeted Journalists Documenting Evidence While Allowing Political Thugs to Operate Freely -- EU Report

2023 Elections: Nigerian police Targeted Journalists Documenting Evidence While Allowing Political Thugs to Operate Freely -- EU Report Euro...

2023 Elections: Nigerian police Targeted Journalists Documenting Evidence While Allowing Political Thugs to Operate Freely -- EU Report

European Union says Nigerian police ignored thugs disrupting and wreaking havoc during the 2023 general elections but clamped down on journalists helping to report and take evidence of violence during the elections.

This was stated in the EU’s final report, “Election Observation Mission Nigeria 2023,” released on Tuesday.

“Law enforcement agencies failed to prosecute persons who attacked, intimidated, harassed, or obstructed journalists prior to, on and after both election days,” the EU reported.

“The EU EOM observers confirmed multiple incidents involving media. Several attacks occurred in plain sight of the police and in some cases the police detained the journalist who documented irregularities, but not the attacker. It clearly evidences the absence of actual practices for protection of media practitioners.”

In a viral video on March 16, Musiliu ‘MC Oluomo’ Akinsanya threatened Igbos who will not vote for his party, the All Progressives Congress, to stay indoors during March 18 governorship election.

In crude enforcement of MC Oluomo’s threats, APC thugs roamed freely on Lagos streets, threatening those who will it vote for the APC from coming out to exercise their civil duty, Peoples Gazette reported.

The EU also debunked claims that the Nigerian 2023 election was free and fair, saying the elections were marred by violence and bloodshed, with at least 74 persons killed in 101 violent incidents.


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