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Beware Of The Dangerous Narratives Regularly Peddled By One-Nigerian Fifth Columnists Against Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB And The Biafra Restoration Struggle

 Beware Of The Dangerous Narratives Regularly Peddled By One-Nigerian Fifth Columnists Against Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB And The Biafra Restoration ...

 Beware Of The Dangerous Narratives Regularly Peddled By One-Nigerian Fifth Columnists Against Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB And The Biafra Restoration Struggle 

It is no longer a new trend to stumble across several defaming narratives flooding over many social media and print media platforms, written and spread by infiltrators, fifth columnists, one Nigerian apologists inorder to plant seeds of discord, mistrust and blackmail among Biafra sympathizers and lovers of freedom. The heavy State-sponsored campaign of blackmails and propaganda started by the Buhari led government against Nnamdi Kanu and the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), has been handed over to the new government of Ahmed Tinubu. The new administration in Nigeria has unabatedly shown from every indications, their interests on same moves deployed by the former administration against IPOB. 

Lately, spurious narratives are flooding the Internet, targeted at discrediting IPOB and her calls for Referendum as inconsequential, unachievable and unconstitutional. These junks are as well receiving wide publicity at some quarters, as orchestrated by the One Nigeria loyalists and political sycophants who are using IPOB, MNK, Biafra struggle and Igbophobic sentiments as decoys to seek for political positions in the new government's administration in Nigeria. Sadly enough, these stomach infrastructure individuals continues to stand with the oppressors of the people as political loyalists, trojan horses and political errand boys in perpetuating the sufferings of the masses in Nigeria. 

In their bid to remain relevant before the new government at the centre, they remain hellbent on weaponizing the Biafran cause championed by IPOB to incite anti-IPOB sentiments in the government; they engage in dishing out unfounded lies against the sanctity of the Biafran cause. Unfortunately, these hypocrites who serve as middlemen in peddling lies and propaganda for their paymasters, clearly understands the effect the massive voices calling for the release of IPOB leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu portrays to the new government, alas, their renewed campaigns of calumny against the IPOB Leader who is illegally detained currently in the dungeon of Nigeria Department of State Services(DSS).

On this note, Biafrans and the general public are hereby advised to decipher these callous sentiments spread by infiltrators and agents of politicians who pretend to share with the sufferings of the masses. The days of deceits are over. The people are with IPOB and the people are IPOB. Beware and avoid these enablers of false claims against IPOB.

No amount of blackmail, lies and propaganda against MNK, IPOB, Eastern Security Network(ESN) or the Biafra Struggle can stop the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu from DSS custody or discredit the calls for Referendum for Biafraexit from Nigeria.

The new administration should urgently heed to the calls made by various well meaning individuals, groups and organizations and release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu so he can have his deteriorating health treated. All lies leveled against IPOB, ESN and the Biafran cause are dead on arrival. They cannot stop the resolve of the Biafran people, because it is absolute!

Written by Kelechi Chukwuezi Augustine

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi 

For: Family Writers Press International

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