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SIT-AT-HOME: Biafrans Yields To The Affectionate Clarion Call Of Their Illustrious Leader, Nnamdi Kanu

SIT-AT-HOME: Biafrans Yields To The Affectionate Clarion Call Of Their Illustrious Leader, Nnamdi Kanu In recent years, the old Eastern regi...

SIT-AT-HOME: Biafrans Yields To The Affectionate Clarion Call Of Their Illustrious Leader, Nnamdi Kanu

In recent years, the old Eastern region of Nigeria(Biafraland) was characterized by a unique form of peaceful protest known as "Sit-At-Home". The peaceful exercise involved citizens refraining from engaging in all forms of economic or social activities, essentially bringing the daily life of the region to a standstill on the days of the exercise. 

The Sit-At-Home exercise was originally initiated by the Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), because of the continued clampdown and killing of her members who earlier protested on the streets of Biafraland, demanding the Nigerian government to respect the region's rights to self-determination.

The exercise traces its root back to 30th May 2017 after the IPOB leader was bailed from detention on 28 April of same 2017. It was initiated as an alternative to street protests, to avert the regular Nigerian military clampdown on peacefully protesting IPOB members, because, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led IPOB movement determined device other ways to continue to response to the draw global attention to the plights and aspirations of the Biafran people.  This form of civil resistance was intended to underscore the determination of the Biafran populace to break free from the shackles of perceived oppression.

Over the years, the SitAtHome exercise had garnered significant success in achieving its goals. Its resounding impact had been attributed to its non-violent nature, capturing the attention of both domestic and international audiences. By paralyzing normal daily activities, the movement underscored the depth of the people's grievances and their unyielding determination to be heard.

Moreover, the SitAtHome exercise's success can be attributed to the grassroots support it garnered. Biafran citizens, both young and old, found common ground in the exercise, uniting under the banner of self-determination. This sense of unity gave the exercise a broader appeal and a greater ability to influence public opinion and policy.

Following the Kidnap of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu from Kenya in 2021 by Nigerian secret forces and the State Security's refusal to bring him to court, the IPOB Leadership declared a regular observance of the exercise every Mondays, until the government does the needful. 

Nevertheless, despite the largely peaceful nature and wide acceptance of this declaration, it did not go without its challenges. So, as with any form of mass mobilization, there an instance where opportunistic elements stormed-in under heavy sponsorship by the enemies of the Biafra restoration goal, hijacked the exercise for their own agendas. And this resulted in violent confrontations, tarnishing the exercise's otherwise peaceful image, and weakening its impact. As a result, the need to bring it to an indefinite end arose. Various actors, including governors of States sought to quell the SitAtHome's influence by discrediting its goals and creating divisions within its ranks. However, the exercise's persistent popularity and its appeal to the masses made it increasingly difficult to silence.

But, in a most surprising turn of events, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the illegally detained influential Biafran activist and IPOB leader suddenly issued a written order from detention, demanding that Biafrans quits the exercise. He declared the cancellation of the SitAtHome exercise and proposed an economic empowerment scheme in its place. This announcement took some by surprise, sparking a renewed interest in the exercise's objectives and the evolution of its tactics.

So, in response to the IPOB Supreme Leader's call for change, Biafrans demonstrated their unwavering support by embracing the concept of Economic Empowerment Day(EED). And, this shift from a complete standstill to a focus on economic empowerment signals a strategic transition aimed at harnessing the region's potentials for growth and development. By channelling their energy into productive endeavours, Biafrans hope to uplift their communities and create opportunities for a brighter future.

This Biafrans swift and enthusiastic response to Nnamdi Kanu's call demonstrates the level of trust and respect he commands among his people. It also highlights the willingness of the Biafran people to adapt their strategies in pursuit of their ultimate goals.

The change from a silent SitAtHome protest to Economic Empowerment Day speaks volumes about the resilience and adaptability of the Biafran people. While the exercise's origin lies in a cry for self-determination and justice, its transformation reflects a mature and strategic approach to achieving these objectives. The transition also underscores the pivotal role that influential leaders like Mazi Nnamdi Kanu play in shaping the trajectory of a movement.

As the Biafran people embrace Economic Empowerment Day, they embark on a new chapter marked by collaboration, innovation, and growth.

The journey so far is a testament to the enduring spirit of a people united in their quest for a better future, and it serves as a reminder that even in the face of challenges, change remains possible through thoughtful adaptation and unwavering determination.

Written by Obulose Chidiebere

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi

For Family Writers Press International

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