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Breaking! IPOB Inaugurates New Liaison Office And BTV In Padova, Italy

 Breaking! IPOB Inaugurates New Liaison Office And BTV In Padova, Italy The Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu inaug...

 Breaking! IPOB Inaugurates New Liaison Office And BTV In Padova, Italy

The Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu inaugurated a New Liaison Office and Biafra Television In Padova, Italy for Culture, Trades and Investments.

In the occasion graced by Mazi Tony Nzurumike (IPOB Deputy Head of Directorate Of State) and other top IPOB Executives, Biafrans turned in en masse to show their solidarity with the IPOB leadership and IPOB Italy as the gospel of Biafra restoration keeps getting spread to all corners of the World.

When Mazi Nzurumike addressed officiating Biafrans before he cut open the ribbon and led access to the new Liaison Office, he stated categorically that IPOB leadership continues to applaud Intrepidacious and resilient Biafrans who have stood strong with the IPOB-DOS throughout the turbulent times and vowed to shame the enemies. The IPOB Deputy Head of DOS made it clear that no amount of storms, waves, sunshine or rain matters any much to IPOB, stating that the movement's resolve is to see that the journey to Biafra restoration is consistently sustained until it's end.

Mazi Nzurumike further presented a speech to Biafrans during the ceremony at the new Liaison Office. In the speech which acknowledge the IPOB Supreme Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in absentia, honorable members of the IPOB DOS, persons of chieftaincy positions, clergies, IPOB coordinators at all levels and honest IPOB members worldwide, Mazi Nzurumike expressed deep delight for the event that eventually came through after over 3-years of several unforeseen obstacles and unprecedented setbacks; ranging from COVID-19 to the abduction of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu by the Nigeria government.

The IPOB Deputy Head of Directorate Of State blessed the Name of Chukwu Okike Abiama for sustaining IPOB, but also attributes the victories of IPOB to the collective efforts and tenacity of the DOS, IPOB Media Warriors, Radio Biafra Presenters and others, stating that IPOB have come triumphant. Nzurumike made it clear that IPOB have secured one of the main reason that led to the loss of the 1967-1970 Biafra-Nigeria war, saying Britain took advantage of their monopoly of media to cause several blockades on Biafra

This inauguration of the IPOB Italy Liaison office is yet another stride by the current IPOB leadership headed by Mazi Chika Edoziem, proving that they have not only remained faithful to the assignment handed them by the IPOB Supreme Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, but have done so in total commitment and devotion, ensuring that no stone is left unturned in the quest to fully make the world aware of the injustice against Biafrans.

This inauguration further reaffirms the determination of IPOB to remain peaceful, and submitting all her activities under the ambits of all internationally established rules, regulations and customs guiding agitation for self-determination. It shows that the IPOB movement is indeed internationally recognized and respected as the true Biafran freedom agitation Movement.

As the ceremony drew near to it's closure, several comrades from Biafran coastal region took the stage and addressed their people in their own tongues. A solemn moment of prayer was also observed, wherein all in attendance and beyond were assured that their efforts towards the Biafran freedom cause are services to Almighty Chukwu Abiama, and shall be rewarded in due time by same God.

The IPOB leadership also assured Biafrans that all necessary efforts have been put in to see that the illegally detained IPOB Supreme Leader is released, and he will definitely join the IPOB family very soon.

So the ceremony came to an end with closing prayers and a follow up refreshment. 




Family Writers Press International, reporting.

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