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The Outrageous Discoveries Of Mass Graves Across The Southeast, And The Culpability of Asari Dokubo

 The Outrageous Discoveries Of Mass Graves Across The Southeast, And The Culpability of Asari Dokubo Cannibalism and savagery are abominable...

 The Outrageous Discoveries Of Mass Graves Across The Southeast, And The Culpability of Asari Dokubo

Cannibalism and savagery are abominable acts in Biafra land. This is far from saying that Biafra land is devoid of crimes or criminal elements, but only serves to establish the fact that Biafra land is alien to certain degree and severity of despicable crimes. Traditionally and culturally Biafrans value and emphasizes strongly the preciousness of life and why life must never be taken at ease or for the sake of it, as that would be regarded as a sacrilege against Ala - the Igbo Goddess whose her physical manifestation is acknowledged to be the land or soil. Furthermore, the Igbo word "Mma-ndu" which refers to a "human being" in literal translation means the beauty of life. All these amongst others highlights to the inviolable status and esteem, life holds in Igbo/Biafra worldview.


Therefore, any unnatural loss of human life in precolonial Igbo era, is seriously investigated, findings made public and perpetrators punished to the pleasure of not members of the society but also the Earth Goddess. However, since the advent of the Colonial Britain and their wanton destruction perpetrated by the West Africa Frontier Force – who laid siege against the Bight of Biafra, which later became Eastern Nigeria – these social norms were subsumed or rather discarded for the imposition of colonial alien standards and values. 

After the amalgamation of 1914. The norm of extinguishing Biafran lives at ease subtly began to replace the norm which abhorred doing so. Starting from the massacres of 1945 in Plateau Jos, the 1953 Kano riots over Northerners opposition to Nigeria's independence, the disdainful slaughtering of more than twenty coal miners, at Iva Valley in Enugu on November 18, 1949 by the British colonial Army, the countercoup massacres of 1966, the Biafra Genocide of 1967-70 and of course, the subsequent post-war belligerent overtures/policies deployed by successive Nigerian governments against the Eastern region – which peaked under the Muhammadu Buhari's administration.

Having witnessed a fair share of the bloodcurdling events that has unfolded across Biafra land since the beginning of the Buhari Session till its end, nothing can be described as being more vicious, agonizing, sorrowful and horrible, while recalling all that transpired and all that are being exposed recently. The injustice against the people of the East climaxed under the Buhari regime, since after the war. A situation where stooges in different stages were used to facilitate the mass slaughter of their own people. This was done because of their greed for power, wealth and their envy and jealousy against certain individuals or group of the people. They ended up becoming willing tools to execute the age-long hatred harbored by Buhari and his kinsmen against the people of Biafra. 

From the days of the Python Dances and Crocodile Smiles (Codenamed military operations) against the Innocent civilians of Eastern Nigeria, to the Extra Ordinary Rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu – the Leader Of IPOB movement and the carnage that has reigned sovereign in the East for the past two years. All of whom were carefully orchestrated by Abuja using few stooges on the ground to marshal out their plans for total and systematic extermination.

The recent announcement by the secretary of the newly-formed Truth, Justice and Peace Commission by the Anambra state government, Mrs. Bianca Ojukwu, that a mass grave where a staggering number of around 322 people were secretly murdered and buried, was discovered in the state. Following sharply also the disclosure of the Abia State Government, that over 70 decomposing corpses was discovered in one of the dreaded forest areas, where the notorious Fulani terror herdsmen have reigned with impunity for eight years of their Fulani brother at the Nigerian seat of power.

The composition of these corpses as confirmed by the investigative committee in Anambra, are stated to be mostly young youths who had Biafra and IPOB insignias on them, others were those traveling but, then abducted on their way and killed with their vital organs harvested for sale, some even after paying the ransoms demanded of them were eventually killed. This undoubtedly is a tragic reminder of what happened few years ago, where an unsuspecting number of Igbo Youths under the MASSOB group were gruesomely murdered and their bodies dumped into the streaming Ezu River, as well as the mowing down of over 28 unarmed IPOB members in the homestead of the IPOB Leader back in 2017, with many more who were abducted, killed and their bodies dissolved in corrosive acid for deniability, by the Nigerian Military that led the operation to assassinate him.

Although, the committee in Anambra is yet announce the parties responsible for this carnage unlike their Abia State counterpart who based on their investigations surrounding the Lokpanta cattle market have zeroed in, on the Fulani terror herdsmen. However, a definitive guess, based on existing facts and evidence can be pieced together to make a logical inference on the people responsible for these crimes against humanity.

Since, the extraordinary rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in 2021, the Federal government have sponsored various criminal groups to commit despicable crimes, which they can use as evidence to incriminate the IPOB movement in the eyes of the global Community and justify their unlawful rascality of committing an international blunder of Extraordinary Rendition. Hence, the Government sponsored many groups such as the Ebubeagu militia under Hope Uzodimma of Imo state and Dave Umahi, erstwhile Governor of Ebonyi State – whose most of these personells were hardened terrorists from the north and some others were of Ex-Niger Delta militants under the command of Asari Dokubo – who is widely known for his animosity and contempt to the Biafra cause, IPOB movement and Igbo People in general. Only a handful of them came from the Indigenous people’s land.

On January 24, 2022, Asari Dokubo called for the execution of Nnamdi Kanu and all IPOB members, after levelling false allegations against Nnamdi Kanu and the IPOB movement. Notwithstanding, that of all the frivolous accusations levied against the IPOB movement and its Leader, none of them could stand the test of evaluation in any Nigeria court, as the duo summarily went home vindicated after every court session. Yet, Asari Dokubo kept on with his threats and rants. On June 23 ,2023 he went all loose, brandishing AK47 on live video and threatening to "finish" off Igbo People, who in his words are already dying "wotowoto" - a local slang used to describe something occurring in a swift and uncontrollable manner.

The hallmark of evidence which crowned his culpability in the killings of Igbo Youths through these years, was the release of his interview podcast with Channels Television, on August 11, 2023 wherein, he openly admitted to be running a Private Military Company, PMC licensed by Nigeria government. And how his men are operational in many Southeast states.

 Below is an excerpt from the clip;

“So, I have a private military company that is engaged by the government and we are fighting side by side with the Nigerian military in many places. Like Niger, Plateau, Abia, Imo, and parts of Rivers State. We were in Anambra too”

The above confirms that not only did Asari Dokubo, covertly deployed his PMC personells into the Ebubeagu militia, he also sent them in an Independent basis to operate. And, they are working with the Nigerian security agencies to perpetrated their atrocities against the people. This explains why since their menace for the past two years, the Nigerian Military and intelligence have done nothing to curb or stop their criminality, just like they kept mute when the herdsmen were rampaging until IPOB out of necessity stepped in and created the Eastern Security Network, to combat the terrorism of the herdsmen against the people of the East.

The IPOB intelligence gathering unit (M-branch) as well as many civil rights groups such as the International Society For Civil Liberties and Rule Of Law (Intersociety) have both published series of Intelligence Report, Independent Investigation that allures to the conspiracy between various state and non-state actors who gangs up to extinguish Igbo lives at every given moment or season with various methods and mediums be it through Ebubeagu, Asari's PMC, Fulani herdsmen, Nigerian Military or the notorious police unit called Tiger base in Imo state operated by a Yoruba person simply known as Ola – this guy is believed to be the replacement sent to Imo State after the notorious Abba Kyari was disgraced out of duty.

And he is in charge of the systematic abduction of suspected IPOB members, burning their houses and private properties as well as political assassination for Hope Uzodimma. They all work together in synergy to achieve these nefarious objectives. And while the investigations of Anambra and Abia mass graves are mind boggling, the one of Imo State and Ebonyi State – when it eventually commences in the coming weeks, months or even years – would be simply unbelievable.

Hence, it is imperative to call on various International civil rights and Human Rights groups such as Amnesty International and other global Institutions including the United Nations to shun their negligence and prevail in this issue to stop the impunity going on in Eastern Nigeria with the full knowledge and culpability of the Federal government and other non-state actors. Justice has to be served to the people who have been victims of  state-sponsored terrorism.

Written: By Mazi Daniel Chibueze

Edited:  By Enenienwite Ikechukwu

For:  Family Writers Press International

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