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Vice President Shettima's Comments And The Falsehood Of The Executive

Vice President Shettima's Comments And The Falsehood Of The Executive Kashim Shettima The Nigerian Vice-President, Kashim Shettima's...

Vice President Shettima's Comments And The Falsehood Of The Executive

Kashim Shettima

The Nigerian Vice-President, Kashim Shettima's recently said the President Bola Tinubu's administration is committed to end the reign of terror in the South-east region of the country. This biggest show of shame duly requires a crucial address, as it apparently contradicts its stance. Given the ongoing security challenges in the North, particularly the menace of Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen, what ground those Shettima has, to talk of insecurity in the most peaceful South-East region(Biafraland)? 

The most glaring issue with Shettima's comments lies in the regional disparities. The North, where the Vice President resides, faces severe security threats from terrorist groups like Boko Haram and Armed Fulani herdsmen. The recent massacre in Plateau State and the stronghold of terrorist groups in Zamfara State raise questions about the priorities of the administration. It seems paradoxical to focus on the South-east while the North remains embroiled in significant security challenges.

The recent incidents in Plateau State, where over 200 people were slaughtered in late December 2023, highlights the urgent need for attention to the security situation in the North. But the administration's failure to make this security priority, according to Shettima's statements calls into question the credibility of its commitment to tackling terrorism. Shettima's silence on the pressing security concerns in his own region raises eyebrows and demands an explanation.

Shettima's emphasis on President Tinubu's commitment to eliminating falsehoods and propaganda in the South-east raises concerns too about the selective prioritization of issues. While tackling misinformation is important, it seems secondary when compared to the immediate threat of terrorism and violence faced by the North. The administration's focus on propaganda in the South-east appears misplaced when more lives are at stake due to terrorist activities in other regions.

The Vice President's attempt to shift blame for the situation in the South-east onto "economic saboteurs" seems to be an oversimplification of a complex issue. It deflects attention from the government's responsibility to protect its citizens from terrorist threats. Holding non-state actors solely responsible for the economic devastation in the South-east neglects the broader socio-political context that contributes to regional tensions.

The disparity in addressing the security challenges faced by the North undermines the credibility of the commitment to national security. It is imperative for the government to adopt a more holistic approach, addressing the pressing issues in all regions to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens. The focus on propaganda and economic sabotage in the South-east should not overshadow the urgent need to confront terrorism in the North.

Written by Chima O. Biafra

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi

For Family Writers Press International

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