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A Closer Look at the Ongoing Genocide in Delta State, Nigeria

A Closer Look at the Ongoing Genocide in Delta State, Nigeria Nigeria has been plagued by a wave of violence that has left many communities ...

A Closer Look at the Ongoing Genocide in Delta State, Nigeria

Nigeria has been plagued by a wave of violence that has left many communities in despair. The atrocities in Delta State, particularly the massacre in Okuama, highlight a disturbing trend of military brutality and the failure of leadership to protect its citizens. This violence, marked by a disproportionate use of force and targeted attacks on civilians, raises serious questions about the motives behind such actions and the systemic issues that allow them to continue unchecked.

The military's actions in Delta State, have been characterized by excessive force and a lack of regard for human life. As we are watching from gory images and videos indicate that entire communities have been razed to the ground, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of the military's wrath. This has led to a humanitarian crisis, with thousands displaced and in urgent need of assistance. The use of force on this scale is unjustifiable and constitutes a clear violation of human rights.

One of the most troubling aspects of the violence in Delta State is the apparent targeting of specific regions, particularly the South East and South South, raising questions about the motives behind these actions. The fact that these regions have been singled out for military action while other parts of the country, where similar security threats exist, have not faced the same level of aggression, suggests a deeper agenda at play. The idea of ethnic or regional bias cannot be ignored, especially in light of past incidents such as the massacre in Odi during President Obasanjo's tenure.

During Obasanjo's presidency, the town of Odi, predominantly inhabited by the Ijaw ethnic group, was subjected to a brutal military invasion in response to the killing of police officers. The military's response was widely condemned as excessive and disproportionate, resulting in the loss of many innocent lives. Now, under the leadership of President Tinubu, a similar tragedy has unfolded in Okuama, further underscoring the failure of successive governments to address the root causes of violence and ensure the protection of all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity or location.

The ongoing violence in Delta State is a clear indication of the failure of leadership at both the federal and state levels to address the root causes of conflict and protect the lives of citizens. It is imperative that the government takes immediate steps to end the violence, hold those responsible to account, and provide support to the affected communities. 

Family Writers Press International

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