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Breaking: Nigerian high court sitting in Abuja grant bail to 53 Biafrans women airlifted from Obigbo

 Breaking: Nigerian high court sitting in Abuja grant bail to 53 Biafrans women airlifted from Obigbo The Nigerian high court sitting in Abu...

 Breaking: Nigerian high court sitting in Abuja grant bail to 53 Biafrans women airlifted from Obigbo

The Nigerian high court sitting in Abuja, Nigerian capital has today 1st of March 2021 granted bail to 53 Biafran women and 26 Biafran men lifted from Obigbo .

Recall that these Biafran men and women were arrested and airlifted from Obigbo to undisclosed location in the north since October last year 2020. 

They were all chained to the feet and handcuffed like common criminal while presenting them to the court today, these are people who committed no known crime.

Samuel Uchenna  

Reporting for Family Writer Press International .


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