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Imo Election: Why IPOB Will Always Stand In Defense Of The People And Their Interest

 Imo Election: Why IPOB Will Always Stand In Defense Of The People And Their Interest The primary responsibility of any government is to pro...

 Imo Election: Why IPOB Will Always Stand In Defense Of The People And Their Interest

The primary responsibility of any government is to protect its citizens and ensure their safety and well-being. Throughout history, civilizations have relied extensively on their governments or constituted authorities to uphold and objectively enforce law and order, safeguarding their citizens from external aggression and internal disturbances. 

However, in certain circumstances, when the government and it's security apparatus fails to effectively fulfill their duties, the burden of protection falls upon the people themselves. Thus, this article explores the necessity and importance of citizen's defense instinct, mechanisms, and technical factors to be enhanced so as to fill-in the colossal void left open due to the inability of the state to discharge its constitutional duty effectively. Primarily, the ugly State of affairs in Imo State under Hope Uzodimma cannot be ignored, hence will be the focal point for reference and attention in this analysis.

The Imminent gubernatorial election to be held in Imo State, has undoubtedly thrown the people and citizens into grave pandemonium, following the unfettered executive rascality, Police brutality and the unabated spiraling insecurity that has marred Imo State, since the imposition of Hope Uzodimma on the people by the Supreme Court in 2019, after the election and its result had already been announced. 

Chaos and bloodlettings has engulfed Imo State since the last three and half year, during which State-Induced crimes and sorts such as burning of market places, residential buildings – in suburbs, urban & rural areas, abduction and forceful disappearance of warm-blooded youths in their prime and organ harvestation, political assassinations, attack on opposite and dissenting voices, arbitrary arrests and detention of suspected members or sympathizers of the IPOB movement, were consecutively perpetrated by government security operatives and political thugs/militias alike.

In just six days to opening the polls for electorates to cast their votes, security operatives loyal to Hope Uzodimma stormed and barricaded the Labour party candidate, Athan Achonu in the company of his followers from entering the St. Peter's Anglican Church in Obibiezena, Owerri. Where they went for worship and prayer sessions. And even when a standing order was reportedly placed across by the State Commissioner of Police for the operatives, to dismantle the blockade and allow the candidate free passage into the auditorium, the operatives bluntly flaunted the order. This demonstrates the level of decadence, corruption and disregard for due process that has characterized Imo State under Hope Uzodimma.

Consequently, these activities recorded in Imo State clearly summarizes that the government and her security agencies have woefully failed in their essential obligation of protecting the citizens and are actually the facilitators of the chaos. Thus, compelling the people to resort to self-defense and self-preservation as a natural inalienable principle and right.

To this effect and in compliance with the standing directive of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, The Leader Of The Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) movement – which is to always stand in the gap of ensuring the safety and security of Innocent and ordinary citizens who are at the receiving end of the inconsiderate activities of state actors – The IPOB leadership has made her position known through press statements by the Movement's Media and Publicity Secretary, Comrade Emma Powerful, warning against attempts to Subvert the will of the people, putting them in harm's way and how such actions would attract unimaginable consequences for the perpetrators and their enablers. 

Powerful further stated that the IPOB movement does not interfere nor participate in the political sequence of the Nigerian state owing to lack of transparency and substance in the Nigeria process and system. However, the movement will not capitulate in the responsibility of defending the lives, properties, interests and popular will of the people domiciled in the Biafra region. This was why the movement out of necessity created the vigilante Eastern Security Network, to combat the marauding Fulani terror herdsmen after the state – both federal and peripherals failed to curtail the menace of the terrorist group in the Eastern region.

In Conjunction with the following, the IPOB leadership published the list and details of the Nigerian Electoral Commission Officers (INEC) who has been reportedly been handpicked to ensure the smooth rigging of the elections in favor of Hope Uzodimma, advising them to either back off from the conspiracy or face wrath of the people whom have suffered immeasurably from the dreads of Mr. Hope for more than 3 years.

Thus, the people who have determined to make an impact and a strategic change through elections schedule for November 11th, 2023, should be strong enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who have rose in defense of their interest. As for the political juggernauts, may they be advised that no force on Earth can defeat the army of volunteers and that of the people.

Written by: Kelechi Chukwuezi Augustine

Edited By Enenienwite Ikechukwu

For Family Writers Press International 

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