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Three Years Anniversary: ESN Have Been Guardians Of Biafraland(Ọzọ Biafra Ndụ)

 Three Years Anniversary: ESN Have Been Guardians Of Biafraland(Ọzọ Biafra Ndụ) Since the inauguration of Eastern Security Network(ESN) by O...

 Three Years Anniversary: ESN Have Been Guardians Of Biafraland(Ọzọ Biafra Ndụ)

Since the inauguration of Eastern Security Network(ESN) by Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu 3-years ago, on 11th December, 2020, Nigeria government have tried in several ways to oppress Biafrans like the days before then. The British creation(Nigeria) have also attempted to penetrate and infiltrate this noble guardians protecting Biafraland. However, ESN have strongly resisted all their state sponsored terrorism against Biafrans at all fronts. 

ESN have withheld the enemy foot soldiers from Uzouwani, Eha Amufu, Ohafia, Izombe, Orsuihiteukwa, Okigwe, Lokpanta and other parts of Ala-Igbo that were not even brought to public knowledge. The resilience and doggedness shown by officers of ESN towards the commitment to safeguard Biafrans against Janjaweed Fulani herdsmen encroaching into Biafraland to push their land grabbing agenda, has unarguably remained the single reason Biafrans are still going about their businesses, returned to their farms, travels within the states without fear or molestation from the activities of the invading Fulani herdsmen in the East.

Do you know that if not for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB ESN, those planning to travel back to their various communities and villages would not be considering so, for fear of Fulani herdsmen activities in most rural communities in Biafraland?

Have you also wondered that if not for officers of ESN who boldly confronts and tame these dreaded herdsmen from spreading mayhem in most communities in Southeast, such as in Imo; Oguta, Izombe, Orsuihiteukwa, Okigwe, Mbaise, Njaba, Ọrụ east and west respectively, Ndi Imo from these communities residing outside their hometowns would not be planning of traveling with families to these their villages this festive season?

Ohafia in Abịa State was on rampage few months ago, Ebonyi was not left out. Anambra was also visited by these Janjaweeds. Where have these Fulani Herdsmen not killed Biafrans before ESN came? Their plan was to encircle us from the rural communities so that when they strike in the urban areas, we'll be left with no option than to surrender. Look at the earlier situation in Eha Amufu, Enugu, where our people deserted their communities out of fear of these Janjaweed Fulani Herdsmen killings and abductions. However, today, the people have testified the return of security in Eha Amufu, thanks to the outstanding works carried out by ESN operatives in these invaded communities. What if that was your village or community and there was nothing like ESN and IPOB, would you have planned to travel back to Eha Amufu this Christmas?

In the midst of all these, ESN have continued to pay the ultimate prices to ensure that Biafrans can peacefully have night sleep with  two eyes closed. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu said that we will be doing our normal businesses while the war rages on. That in a nutshell, is ESN's focus which have been resolutely and resiliently upheld towards our safety against the Fulani genocidal exterminator that targeted Biafrans. 

ESN will remain the child of necessity to Biafrans. Their presence is the reason Biafrans are still boldly telling our brothers to comeback home to the East and invest. That we have not been overwhelmed by these marauding Fulani Janjaweeds is because ESN angels were proactively diligent and disciplined to the core, in line with their duty.

Therefore, every Biafran should be thankful and supportive of these great volunteers of noble men. We all should be grateful for the IPOB Supreme Leader, IPOB-DOS and all the volunteers who took the bull by the horn in confronting these terrorists sent to pillage our land. These men have continued to put their lives, comforts and interests on the line just for our safety as the wider Biafrans. Why will we not celebrate them? 

And more importantly, as we commemorate the three years anniversary of these angels, every Biafran is obligated to support these men and women of valour through the appropriate channels established by IPOB leadership - the  DOS, in order to empower and enhance their crucial works in Biafraland. They deserve it all.




Written by: Kelechi Chukwuezi Augustine

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi 

For Family Writers Press International

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