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Sinister Plot To Assassinate IPOB Lead Counsel, Kanu's Family Member Exposed

 Sinister Plot To Assassinate IPOB Lead Counsel, Kanu's Family Member Exposed The alleged plot to assassinate the IPOB Lead Counsel, Bar...

 Sinister Plot To Assassinate IPOB Lead Counsel, Kanu's Family Member Exposed

The alleged plot to assassinate the IPOB Lead Counsel, Barr. Ifeanyi Ejiofor and an unnamed family member of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu - the IPOB Leader, was made public and exposed by a member of IPOB Directorate Of State (DOS) Mazi Chinasa Nworu, as a high-level classified plot uncovered by the IPOB intelligence unit, M-branch according to the report obtained by Family Writers Press International. 

The executioners of this operation, according to the report are instructed to "Bring the Head" of the IPOB Leader counsel, if the op succeeds.

The culprits of this purported plan are certain Igbo Politicians, which its center of gravity and orchestra is a business mogul from Anambra State. 

The reason behind this plot, was stated to be, a further destabilization of the Biafra struggle for Self-determination being championed by the Indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) movement and to foment chaos that could possibly implode the SouthEast and could also potentially affect the court case of the IPOB Leader, coming up on 8th February, 2024. The plot is reportedly to be carried out beforehand. 

Furthermore, the false flag operation is aimed at creating distrust and to compel the public, to point accusing fingers at the IPOB leadership as being responsible for the attack. As presumably there may have been skirmishes and disagreements between the IPOB leadership and suspected family members of the IPOB Leader on a variety of issues. The orchestras are aiming at capitalizing on that, to accuse the IPOB leadership of using potential assets at their disposal to assassinate "dissenting" family members of the IPOB Leader's family. 

This could create pandemonium that could pose drastic impact not only on the Biafra struggle, but also on the health of IPOB leader, who is being incarcerated in the Nigeria Department Of State service (DSS) HQ, Abuja and who has defied all efforts to be broken either physically, mentally or psychologically for the past three years.

Hence, the IPOB DOS ordered all IPOB principal officers, ESN operatives, the M-branch to swing into robust intelligence gathering and investigations to ensure that the plot in question, is foiled forthwith before its execution.

He assured that on his next public address (yet to be specified) he would explicitly call out the names behind this nefarious plot. 

While further stating that these conspiring elements have planned on numerous occasions to eliminate principle officers of the IPOB movement and, thus it has become an imperative for a "swift" and unmistakable response.

Enenienwite Ikechukwu Reporting

For Family Writers Press International

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