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Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Epitomizes Selflessness

 Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Epitomizes Selflessness  Freedom fighting is another term for those engaged in a struggle to achieve political freedom for...

 Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Epitomizes Selflessness 

Freedom fighting is another term for those engaged in a struggle to achieve political freedom for themselves or obtain freedom for others. However, the central spur for a freedom fighter is the total loathe for injustice, and the desire for a better society, hence the fight almost always revolves around denial of self-satisfaction in pursuit of uplifting others.

Unarguably, Africa’s lowest moment came from the infamous Berlin conference that gave legal latitude and backing to grave injustice done to Africa – such as colonization, appropriation of resources, genocide, etc. – through official division and sharing of ancestral and indigenous lands. These Europeans, and their American ally, displayed their insatiable hatred for a black skin while proving to be an oppressive race. This practice is still ongoing through institutionalized economic policies by IMF and World Bank.

The idea that Africa will ever be free was designed to ever be unachievable through a web of complexities that includes, but not limited to, political arm twists involving pecuniary benefits of mind-blowing proportion. The western hemisphere, and of course western alliance, developed a pragmatic but dishonest and inhumane way of watering down their past atrocities by raising from among you compromised individuals willing to accept their financial inducement as a controlled opposition in the event that you prove unyielding.

The Biafra struggle has been an undying struggle that has proved to be a nightmare to the oppressive western alliance. True, before the emergence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, there has been a retinue of agitations led by charismatic leaders who failed along the way. A study of their failure indicate a lack of understanding of the intricacies cum web of complexities surrounding their lofty journey. Therein lies the difference between them and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. This characteristic tendency to study your enemy has given Mazi Nnamdi Kanu an edge. The freedom movement cum campaign of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, IPOB, as led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu have been epitomized by so many qualities of freedom fighting one of which, and very important, is selflessness.

Selflessness as a quality of freedom fighting means placing interest of other people above your personal gain. They sacrificed for greater good of the people they chose to represent. The life of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has demonstrated selflessness by prioritizing welfare of his people and country, Biafra, over his personal interests. Eschewing real pleasures of life, family love and affinity, businesses and his consultancy firm for a true sacrifice for his motherland, Biafra, irrespective of the promises the Nigerian government have made to him if he quits Biafra freedom agitation. He has shown integrity, resilience and determination in the quest for the true liberation of Biafrans. He came prepared!

As remarked by Mazi J.C.I Onyeukwu in one of his recent broadcasts, "Freedom fighters don't think about themselves, they consider the interest of others – their people – over theirs. That is what Mazi Nnamdi Kanu epitomizes. Filled with integrity, resilience & determination, freedom fighters voluntarily offer themselves to be sacrificial lambs."

Written by Onyemachi Gabriel

Edited by Daniel Chibueze

For Family Writers Press International

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