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GENOCIDE: Just Like Bruce MayRock Set Himself Ablaze in Protest of the Killings of Biafrans, United States Soldier Sets Self On Fire To Protest The Gaza War

GENOCIDE: Just Like Bruce MayRock Set Himself Ablaze in Protest of the Killings of Biafrans, United States Soldier Sets Self On Fire To Prot...

GENOCIDE: Just Like Bruce MayRock Set Himself Ablaze in Protest of the Killings of Biafrans, United States Soldier Sets Self On Fire To Protest The Gaza War

Aaron Bushnell

In an extreme show of protest against the massacre of Biafran civilians by Nigerian forces during the 1967-70 Nigerian genocidal war on Biafra, BRUCE MAYROCK, a Columbia University student sets himself on fire to protest against the genocide committed against Biafrans by General Yakubu Gowon led Nigerian Military government and aided by Britain. 

On May 29, 1969, Bruce Mayrock after seeing the pictures of massacred Biafran children and women, decided to set himself ablaze as a protest to attract immediate international humanitarian attention to the Biafran genocide in West Africa, in front of the United Nations headquarters in USA, but the United Nations ignored his huge sacrifice till date.

MayRock was twenty years of age when he set himself ablaze at the lawn of the United Nations Building Headquarters in New York, United States on 29 May 1969 in protest against the 1967-1970 Biafra Genocide. He had a placard which front side read, "YOU MUST STOP GENOCIDE! PLEASE SAVE NINE MILLION BIAFRANS.

Bruce Mayrock doused himself with a flammable liquid shortly before 3pm and set himself on fire on the lawn outside the UN building. "Even when two United Nations guard spotted him on flame and chased him across the lawn with fire extinguishers, Mayrock eluded the guards racing in front of the North lounge of the building before several hundred horrified delegates and onlookers.

Mayrock finally fell to his knees and the guards extinguished the flames, then he was rushed to Belleone Hospital where he was listed in critical condition with burns over most of his body and was pronounced dead nine hours after he set himself ablaze. He was buried in Mount Ararat Cemetery, Farmigdale, Suffolk county, New York.

Unfortunately, in a similar fashion, a United States soldier Aaron Bushnell sets himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC to protest the Gaza war. 

Shouting.."I will no longer be complicit in genocide… Free Palestine."

Thankfully some guardsmen saw him and rushed to the scene to save him.

This is a clarion call to the international community, mostly the world bodies charged with avoiding conflicts. The United Nations, US government and European Union should not remain silent to these cases of genocides going on in Nigeria and other places in the world. It's time to end the killing of innocent people.

Family Writers Press International, reporting.

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