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IPOB: Ivory Coast National Coordinator Caution Members On The Danger Of Identifying With The Autopilot Mess

 IPOB: Ivory Coast National Coordinator Caution Members On The Danger Of Identifying With The Autopilot Mess Mazi Anaelechukwu Ezeowukaike, ...

 IPOB: Ivory Coast National Coordinator Caution Members On The Danger Of Identifying With The Autopilot Mess

Mazi Anaelechukwu Ezeowukaike, popularly known as Ado, the Ivory Coast National coordinator of Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB) family has reiterated his position to the hearing of Executives and members of IPOB Ivory Coast, as it regards to discipline and total loyalty to the one central Command established by the IPOB supreme leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

In an audio clip obtained by Family Writers Press International(FWPI), Mazi Ezeowukaike cautioned his executives and members to strictly listen to, and obey the instructions and directives of IPOB Directorate of States(DOS). He warned that any member found going contrary to the orders of the IPOB DOS, will be seriously punished. 

“This Sunday evening, I came to announce to all IPOB members in Cote D'ivoire concerning the issue Onboard. Anyone that knows he or she will not obey the instructions of DOS should as matter of urgent get out from this platform and any platform of IPOB Cote D'ivoire and join the Autopiloters/Saboteurs",  

He further stated that he will not tolerate any form of insubordination from any IPOB family member in Ivory Coast at large, warning that they are aware of the plans of Nigeria government to use Simon Ekpa and Nelly Ofoegbu to destabilise IPOB. He categorically said that if there is still any sympathizer and/or follower of Simon Ekpa amongst the Ivory Coast family, such individual(s) should not hesitate to dismiss themselves from every IPOB Ivory Coast forums and families.

Mazi Anaelechukwu affirm that as the National coordinator of the Ivory Coast, he is under solemn oath to wholly obey the instructions of Mazi Chika Edoziem who is the highest commander of IPOB affairs at present, pending the return of IPOB supreme leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

In his own words, “We know the plans the Zoo government had with Simon and Nelly to destroy this able family. Those sympathizers/disciples of Simon and Nelly should suspend themselves from IPOB Cote D'ivoire because I the national coordinator is under the command of Mazi Chika Edoziem Who Is the highest command in the absence of our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu”.

Mazi Anaelechukwu told the family that he has reliably verified that Simon Ekpa is not a family member of IPOB and not under IPOB oath as a family member.

Simon Ekpa has no link with the Eastern Security Network(ESN), commanded by Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. He loudly praised Mazi Chika Edoziem for his wisdom in not handing over Radio-Biafra station to Simon Ekpa.

He said, “Sympathizers of Simon Ekpa should bear it in mind that Simon is not a member of IPOB, he is not under Oath. He has no link to ESN.  Thanks To Mazi Chika Edoziem for the wisdom he displayed in not handing over Radio Biafra to Simon Ekpa".

The National coordinator also condemned the murder of a member of Family Writers Press International by hoodlums created by Simon Ekpa to enforce the long suspended Mondays sit-at-home.  Anaelechukwu said, “Recall that one of our Family Writers was murdered by the hoodlums created by Simon.  Simon has caused many atrocities to our people in Biafra Land in the name of enforcing the already cancelled sit-at-home. Please, anyone who knows that he cannot obey the orders Of the DOS/HODS should get out from any IPOB Cote D'ivoire forum and know that he/she is a Saboteur.”

"This IPOB is so precious to us and we must protect it jealously”, “Share this message to all IPOB Ivory Coast Forums” he concluded.

Emmanuel John reporting

For Family Writers Press International.

Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire.

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